Jerry Falwell Jr.’s fall was inevitable. His con was long and large.

I’m working on a breakdown of the Vanity Fair piece, but I pondered the roots of these patterns. The roots go back several millennia. When men embody them, eventually their cons, and therefore their worlds, collapse.

Junior obviously didn’t learn from his father’s mistake, only how to get away with more.

I’ve learned from them, and vow to be their dichotomy.

My Creed:

Do not put me on a pedestal

For I am only human

I am fallible and will surely fall

Being exceptional is really only an illusion

Do not worship me

Learn from my mistakes and strengths

But don’t ever forget my humanity

Adoration can lead to extreme lengths

Because if you elevate me

Our fallibility will surely creep in

Which leads to justifying atrocities

This is our most evil sin

If love is not my objective

Please know that it’s my ego

Do not reflect or project it

Only harm comes from its glow

For we are all just humans

We’re not supposed to be leaders

But instead dwell as companions

Unified, not following cheaters

A leader corrupts from their power

Companions stand side-by-side

We shouldn’t worship those in a tower

They’re just taking us all for a ride

Because if you worship me

Someday I might believe it

And go from poet to Pharisee

Well intended, but wholly unfit

If my quest comes to money

Instead of spreading love

Please remember my humanity

Not justify it as from above

However high you built my pedestal

Is twice the height I will publicly fall

But the fault would be partly mine

Because my ego took over the call

I believed you when you elevated me

And that lie initiates the fall

It causes everyone to be deceived

They thought I had it all

If love doesn’t resonate

Then fame and fortune fail

Only then do you hesitate

And see the ultimate sale

Never worship a human

See us as teachers not leaders

Because most atrocities begin

When students become believers