I just unfriended a bunch of Trumpsters and when do, I feel hopeless. I feel like I’m turning my back on my brothers (it’s almost always men) and possibly missing an opportunity to educate them or pull them out of the indoctrination. But that’s just my ego thinking I have the power to change them.

In the end, I stand strong against hate, so they have to go.
I am constantly checking myself and making sure that I am not the one that is deluded. Am I caught in a bubble? Is my information wrong? Which is the main reason I allow dissent on my page.
These days make it tough to tell sometimes. I have never been a Political Party person. For 95% of my voting years I was registered as an Independent.
So when all else fails, I look at the people. Who do I want to stand with?
I want to stand with the marginalized, not those that justify it.
I want to stand with the LGBTQ+ not those who are hateful and bigoted.
I stand with my brothers and sisters of color because their value and rights have never been appreciated.
I fight for the poor, not worship the wealthy.
I stand against misogyny and the patriarchy because only inflated and misaligned egos diminish women and their power and gifts.
I stand with hope not hate.
I stand with blind justice not selective enforcement.
I stand by the power of the Constitution not the power of men.
I fight for people, not plaster.
I fight for equality not supremacy.
I stand with the intention of kindness, not cruelty.
And when any of those lines remain blurred, I look to the Gospels and ask, “What would Jesus do?” Not Paul, not the Romans, not the Religious Leaders.
Jesus stood for All of the things I try to stand for.

Not a Jesus that is portrayed by so many — not the construct of the white man — but the Gospel Jesus. The whip making, destroyer of greedy businesses in the Temple, the warrior of radical compassion, acceptance and love.
And even if all that fails to give me an answer on how to proceed, I fall back on “Just don’t be a dick”

So, I do not stand with a political party, I watch the seeds they sow.
I do not listen to rumors, but their actual words.
I don’t blame others to justify bad behavior, I hold everyone accountable. Just like I do for myself.
And then I decide where I stand, and act according.
So based on all of these things, I stand wholeheartedly against Trump. And until their policies and practices change, I also stand against the Republican Party.
And I know I stand on the right side of history.