Jesus’s strength was not in his political power; his power was in compassion.

Jesus’s status was not because of his wealth; he was homeless and said riches led to corruption.

His influence was not because of an armory. He told his disciples to put down their weapons and turn the other cheek.

His mission was not one of popularity or prestige, he held the rejected and loved the “unlovable”

Jesus did not try to control, but taught us to release control to the love of God.

He never asked you to love him, but to love others.

He fought the Church and government’s immorality, not justified it.

Jesus’s power, persuasion, following, and praise was ALL because of his compassion, love, and humility. Those are what made him great. That is what built a religion.

His meekness made him strong.

His love made him powerful.

His humility made him worth following.

Everything else that we now call greatness is only greatness for man. Jesus’s greatness is what mattered to God.

His love is what made a difference.

His compassion is what we are supposed to follow.

His unity and acceptance is what made him Holy.

Doing anything contrary to these things is not of Jesus, but men controlling the people in his name.

2000 years ago, he warned us of that. Yet we are at a place where the people who preach otherwise are now His voice.

A voice he never had.

A power he tried to silence and weaken.

His voice of acceptance, unity, and unending compassion is why the religious and powerful killed him.

So as you try to stand in your faith, who are you really standing for? Man, or Love?

Love accepts, unifies, and strengthens.

Man belittles, judges, divides, and weakens.

Jesus’s example made it easy to see the difference.