ME: Hi! I’ve wanted to talk to you forever!
GOD: Hey, nice to see you!
ME: So, why? Why does everything exist?
GOD: Why not?
ME: Why not? Because of the suffering!
GOD: Oh, why did you suffer?
ME: I lost so many people I loved!
GOD: But you loved.
ME: What about all the illnesses?
GOD: You were healthy most of the time. I wish you could see that.
ME: I was alone!
GOD: I’m sorry you felt that way. There are over 7 million of you. I wish a few more would have comforted you.
GOD: I was always here, if you ever needed love.
ME: And how TF am I supposed to feel YOUR love from HERE?
GOD: Oh, no. Unconditional love is a source. Like fuel for your car. You have access to all you’ll ever need to give it all away.
ME: Give it away? I NEED IT!
GOD: Oh. You already have it! I wish you knew that. Giving love away refuels you. It’s an endless supply as long as you are giving it. It only stops when you stop. You can’t need something that you are. I wish you could see that.
ME: Then why do I and so many feel so alone and unlovable?
GOD: That is so unfortunate. You ARE love, but forgetting that causes extreme sadness. You should never forget that you have everything you need.
ME: Bullshit! I fought and struggled for everything! I rarely got what I wanted!
GOD: Perhaps not what you wanted, but what you needed was always there. Even if you failed to see it. The struggle was yours. Fear not and let it be.
ME: So you take no responsibilities for my challenges and struggles?
GOD: How can I? Love is never at fault. I’m here if you need me, but if you realized what you REALLY are, you wouldn’t have so many struggles.
ME: Lovely. And what am I?
GOD: You are love, like me.
ME: Easy for you, not for us
GOD: True. Humans deny their essence, fight their vulnerability, and fear each other. You’re a stubborn species!
ME: Why is it so hard for us?
GOD: Fear. You fear the outcome instead of the beauty of the present. Your fears silent love, and isolate you from the love of others. Or in the worst case, your fears hurt others. I gave instructions to every Sage, “Fear not.” But, like I said, you all are quite stubborn.
ME: So nothing is your fault?
GOD: I’ve done nothing. Literally, nothing. But you look to blame me? It is your life. It is your world. I am available to all who need me. But it’s on you to love.
ME: Love schmove! I didn’t ask to be here!
GOD: Yes, you did. I wish you remembered that.
ME: Love is scary!
GOD: Fear not.
ME: Vulnerability is torture!
GOD: Fear not.
ME: I don’t want to get hurt again!
GOD: Love will heal that, too.
ME: I can’t.
GOD: You are love, so yes, you can.
ME: Can’t you help at all?
GOD: Sure! Whom shall we love?
ME: NO! ME!!
GOD: Exactly. Whom should we love? That will fill you with every bit of love you need. And if it doesn’t, then you haven’t given enough away.
GOD: It’s unfortunate you don’t see the beauty. Your struggles would be more manageable if you all only loved and let it be. Over 7 Billion of you, and you need me? 7 Billion beings of love. Yet you all fight and isolate. May your doors be open for all the love that pours in during your time of need. May your love be met with grace and acceptance. But stop looking to me. I am only your fuel. The onus is on you, not me.