(The Church Ladies gasp and clutch their pearls. The Patriarchy shouts, “Whore!”)

Sex is awesome! It is physically and emotionally beneficial.
It provides the ultimate physical pleasure.
Sex can induce euphoria and ecstasy.
It is uniting, creating bonds, and releasing tension.
It’s so amazing, “Oh God!” is the natural response.
It’s fun, exhilarating, exciting, and exhaustive.

Sex is a wonderful thing!
The problem is that Religion took this gift and made it about power and submission; control and demand.
Sex was never innately bad. For thousands of years, it was an act of worship.
Like everything else, we made it wrong.

Greed, selfishness, inequality, lying, force, assault, betrayal, and every other ego-driven tendency creates sexual “sins.”
Sex is not the sin, rape is.
Orgasms are beautiful; getting them through deception or coercion is disgusting.
We were created as sexual beings.
To worship a God but condemn God’s creation is blasphemy.
The clitoris the only thing on the human body created solely for pleasure — which is why many religions perform clitoral castration.
So many religions hate God’s work.

Through our failures, we took the greatest gift from God and turned it into a form of control.
The Patriarchy diminished women to submissive victims or preying whores.

It took away our sexuality.
We lost our voices, power, and choice; making us victims.
Those who fight that dogma are the Jezebels, whores, the dirty and flawed.
Women who own their bodies and demand our worth and equality are the greatest threat to the Patriarchy, therefore nothing is more “evil.”
It started with Eve.

Taking God’s gift of ultimate pleasure and making it wicked, is only something religion could do.
God is not a sadistic, abusive father who gives us a gift and then dooms us to burning for eternity if we ever use it.
However, everything in moderation, or you’ll break it. 😉

Sex isn’t immoral.
Force and control is.
Demand and submission is.
Denying my power and worth while demanding yours, is.
I love sex and thank God for that gift.
You can choose not to accept it, that is the power of your choice.
But don’t ever tell me not to.
I do not work in ego, like the Patriarchy.
I do no harm.