How unAmerican of me to say such a thing, right? No. This hellish triangle will destroy us all.

It’s happening right before our eyes, but instead of being horrified we tune in to see what’s happening this week.
Sadly, “Keeping up with the Kardashians’” encapsulates our culture. Years ago, it was “Keeping up with the Joneses,’” but the “Joneses” had nothing on the Kardashians. They didn’t run a media empire, endorse and sell products, and influence government policy.

The Kardashians embody everything Capitalistic, but they only have their power and prestige because we want to be them. We long for their beauty, fashion, influence, wealth, vacations, houses, and …, and …, and….
Capitalism, the basis of the United States’ economy, is founded on envy. We long for the Kardashian lifestyle. Our envy fuels the system. The Kardashians and everything they represent are a product, a commodity that’s been sold to us, in order to sell more things.
Our consumer-driven economy clearly delineates between those that can afford such a lifestyle, and those that can only dream of having it. Those that are able to enjoy such luxuries, and those that will only produce the products or deliver those services. Those that wear Prada, and those that will never have more than a knockoff.

The wealthy have all the power and prestige, while everyone else hopes to be them some day. Envy keeps us hoping, but Capitalism insures that (for most) it’s only just a dream.
Capitalism maintains its strength by highlighting and increasing our insecurities in every layer of our lives — financial, emotional, physical, social, and professional. Capitalism places a value on everything.
Our voices have even become monetized through Citizen’s United and Social Media. Those with money, or more friends and followers, are considered more powerful because of their influence — a lot of people want to know them, or be them. The larger and more coordinated the platforms are, the more influence they have, and this translates into pack spending power — literally through Political PACs, and generally by fans.
Additionally, followers tend to spend more, if only to maintain the status-quo of their peers. Keeping up with the Kardashians, or Mary, or Joe, keeps the wheels of capitalism spinning. We buy more than we should, living in debt, just to appear like we could be one of them.
The competition is calculated and plays right into our tribal nature, by creating the ultimate clique culture — capitalism thrives on these tendencies because they deepen its power over us. We must keep up, or we wont measure up, and when we don’t, the insecurities compound.

Insecurity is the origin of envy, and both are the path to all that is evil — fraud, theft, adultery, domination, abuse, murder, war, etc.
Envy tells us we’re not enough because “they” have what we want.
Insecurities feed envy. One cannot exist without the other.
The feelings of inadequacy permeate our lives as we’re flooded with constant reminders that unless we have “that” we’ll never be good enough.
The danger of envy is that it seldom remains just thoughts, but leads to actions which always result in more division and inequality.
Envy’s natural enemy is confidence. Confidence destroys envy. Confidence doesn’t “need.” Confidence knows it already “has.” Confidence builds-up. Insecurity tears-down. But fortitude doesn’t work for our society because Capitalism dies without insecurities and rapid consumption.
Longevity hinders production. Sentimentality is of no value. History is for the “elite.”

More. More! More!!
Now. Now! Now!!
Capitalism: The American dream. Right?
We’re a society where everything is disposable, even lives.
Without any self-esteem or self-worth, what kind of society do we create?
One, where happiness and wholeness are only a product away.
And that product, nine-times-out-of-ten, will be wrapped in sexism.
Misogyny is Capitalism’s best friend. Capitalism doesn’t give a f*** but will take advantage of anything that expands its power. So, the two have been best friends for centuries.
Less than 50 years ago, an American women could not buy a house, get a credit card, or a loan without her husband’s signature.
No husband? Denied!
Men governing women’s finances created a ton of debilitating insecurities, as well as a life of being dominated and controlled.

When women gained their financial freedom and the ability to choose their own careers (not just one that catered to men or children like a secretary, teacher, or nurse) we thought we were finally in control of our own destiny.
Capitalism was finally going to be our friend too!
But then Misogyny freaked out, grabbed Capitalism, and said, “OK. Sure, now you can buy your own home, but are you pretty? Are you thin? Are you the image we’re currently creating of beauty? No? Well, we have a product to sell you! You’ll feel better about yourself as soon as you get this!”
They assured us that <insert product/person/place> was all that we needed to be happy, fulfilled, and loved — and, of course, a premium price is charged to obtain it.

They call it “freedom of enterprise,” but it’s really capitalistic-induced-insecurity targeted directly at women.
When women are insecure, they put-up with things a confident woman won’t — like abuse, adultery, being the mistress, lies, and ugly broke partners.
Women’s insecurities empower men.
A weak woman will empower even the weakest man. But a strong woman will only further weaken the already feeble male.
So, insecurities are sold to us every day, in every way. Strong women are the arch enemy of misogyny.
Misogyny’s only goal is to make sure women believe their worth can be bought or sold. Its biggest fear is that we discover our worth is not in them, but in our birthright.
So, in steps Religion, which tells us that a male god and his son told a bunch of other dudes that despite how everything is born (hint: through a woman!) that women are weaker, lesser, and their property.

Religion is the foundation on which capitalism and misogyny stand. Religion’s business model is completely capitalistic as the largest crowds equal the biggest dollars, and Religion provides the misogynist with a guidebook and a sword.
God, as the ultimate authoritarian figure, is where the patriarchy plants its flag. God’s (supposed) ordination gave misogyny legitimacy, and enabled an inarguable supremacy.
“A woman’s place is in the home! …Except the House of God.”
Society demands that we run every household on earth, except that one. There, we are told that we must remain silent, oppressed, and subservient, because “God” said so.
Don’t believe in this unholy alliance? Here’s an example of their unity and how we’re being affected:
A man drugs and rapes a young woman. He is fined $400 and receives no jail time because “his life shouldn’t be ruined over one bad decision.”
Because of the trauma caused from the attack, She has a lifetime of PTSD, and he impregnates her. She tries to get an abortion, so she is sentenced to 30 years in a for-profit prison. Her prison sentence is based on the belief that “God” says abortion is bad, but since rape is all over the Bible, it proves “God can make even rape a blessing” — and technically, she shouldn’t have been there/wearing that/drinking/etc …
She kills herself her third night in prison.
This example is a combination of many cases, but is a real-world example of the damage this treacherous triangle causes.

This axis of evil — capitalism, misogyny, and religion — emboldens the patriarchy, marginalizes and damns everyone else, and divides us all into a caste system that establishes only one “winner” — them.
This unholy trinity depend on each other. They each validate the other, keeping them all strong and standing.
But times are changing…
The signs of instability are apparent and are revealing new levels of previously unrecognized insecurities in the holders of the keys to this triad.
Where we used to view men as strong and natural leaders, we can now see the facades of bravado and over-sized egos.
What we used to respect in the powerful, is now revealed as nothing more than corruption and greed.
Who used to be viewed as holy men, are now unveiled as sexual predators and/or conman.
As the marginalized grow stronger, the powerful’s insecurities become clearer.

As we become empowered, they resort to fear. As our voices rise together, their imperial isolation begins to dissolve. As the wizard behind the curtain is revealed, he is shown to be nothing more than a scared old man, full of rage and trying grasp whatever power he has left to hold on to.
Insecurities are the roots and mechanisms behind capitalism, misogyny, and religion, and what goes around comes around. As our confidence increases, so do the insecurities of the perpetrators and benefactors of these institutions.
They’re afraid that if we gain power, we will treat them the same way we’ve been treated.
That’s appealing, for sure, and some will succumb to such temptations.
But the foundation on which I stand is rooted in peace, love, unity, and respect — not, greed, power, superiority, and authoritarianism.
Capitalism without misogyny or religion could benefit us all.
Religion without capitalism and misogyny has changed civilizations.
Misogyny in any situation is destructive and needs to end. And, without its corruption on the other two, we may have a chance for some equity and equality.
Together, they’re the unholy trinity — one of fascism, fanatics, and Pharisees.
May our history of division, control, dominance, and greed, evolve into unity, equality, affirmations, and stability for us all.
Because, united we stand, divided we fall.