8 years ago, you cried because you feared that sick people getting treatment was one step closer to Nazi Germany.
Today, I cry because the sick will now only get sicker.
8 years ago, you cried because you feared your weapons would be taken away and your family would be in danger.
Today, I cry because we (again) enter a nuclear age where our entire planet could be destroyed.
8 years ago, you cried because you feared that a foreign power was taking over our democracy.
Today, I cry as Russia celebrates and rejoices.
8 years ago, you cried because you feared that gay marriage would ruin traditional marriage.
Today, I cry because an adulterer on his 3rd wife is going to end millions of other marriages.
8 years ago, you cried because of your bigotry and hate.
Today, I cry because that hate and bigotry just won.
8 years ago, I had hope.
Today, I have a lot of work to do….