What’s Good for the Goose, Isn’t Good for the Gander

~The hypocrisy is broken down into subjects, and is a working document~
People of Color
They said all you need to do is obey the law. Until they didn’t like the law applied to them.
They said all lives mattered. Until people dying affected their vanity, and then nothing mattered more than a haircut or the size of their biceps.
They chastised migrants for breaking the law, even though they were desperate to feed their children. Until they feared their own children wouldn’t eat and then the law didn’t matter.
When they were forced to close their businesses and live in fear of survival, they claimed their “inalienable rights,” and protested their “imprisonment.” While, children sit in cages — but that was for “them,” not for “us.”
They said separating families because of broken laws was just. Until they couldn’t be with their loved one’s as they got sick and died.
They screamed that Mexicans were responsible for our drug problem, while protecting Big Pharma that’s addicted and killed more Americans than the Cartel ever could.
They told people of color to respect the police, but now arm themselves against the cops and spit in their face for their “freedom” to go out to eat.
They told us to respect our leaders, until they didn’t like what their leaders said.
They saw no need for body autonomy when it was “her” body. But now claim “personal rights” when asked to be responsible in not spreading the disease.
They said healthcare wasn’t a right. Until they got sick and now they scream they’re entitled to it.
They said the pandemic was a hoax perpetuated by the Democrats. Until 125,000 people died. Now the numbers are “fake.”
They told us to fear and obey their God. But now tell us to never believe in the unseen.
They said it was just like the flu. Even though the COVID death toll in four months, is 400% higher than the average year of the flu.
They said they had the best life and family, until they had to be with them.
They claim Trump was sent by God, but the plague is Obama’s fault.

They say a 2–3% death rate is acceptable, as long as it’s someone else’s 2 or 3 loved ones.
They believe that Medical Doctors are putting their education and career at stake by running a criminal ring to fraudulently increase death numbers, all just to make Trump look bad. While ignoring the fact that most of Trump’s inner circle were indicted — claiming their innocence and everyone else’s guilt.
They said Capitalism was the best structure known. Until it collapsed and they were forced to wait in food lines.
The Election
They screamed, “Lock Her up!” But cheer when confessed and convicted felons are freed.
They scream that Joe Biden is a predator, but ignored or justified Trump bragging about being one. Sexual assault didn’t matter until the other guy was accused.

Trump is allowed to investigate anyone, but when Obama does it, it’s a conspiracy — Obamagate.
You decried Bill Clinton’s infidelity for 30 years, but now say Trump’s is his own business.
You impeached Clinton over lying but allow Trump and his entire administration to lie daily.
Michelle Obama’s arms were obscene. But Melanie nudes are “art.”
You screamed about Obama golfing, but have been silent on Trump’s. When the Trump family has taken 3,249 protected trips in three years and the Obama family took a total of 933 in seven.
You condemn a Democrats wealth, but applaud Trump’s.
You hung and burned Obama in effigy but assert that no one has ever been mistreated like Trump — even Lincoln who was shot in the head had it better!
You blocked Obama from fulling his duties, but now want Trump to rule all.
You held six Benghazi hearings over four people dying, but never batted an eye when we lost four soldiers in Africa because Trump sent them in unprepared.
You held six Benghazi hearings but are silent as news breaks that Putin put bounties on our soldier’s heads, and Trump knew about it. During this period, 20 soldiers have died and Trump fought to get Russia back in the G-7.
You screamed “Her Emails!” but had no concern when Ivanka, Jared and Jeff Sessions had their own private email servers.
You gave Obama no credit for killing Bin Laden, but Trump deserves all the credit for killing a terrorist that no one even knew about.
Our economy trended upward for seven years, but you gave Trump the credit for everything in year eight, and no blame for its crashing now.
The stock market was fake, until it was Trump’s.
The unemployment numbers were fake, until they were Trump’s.
Trump has had the most and largest drops in the stock market, but you only see its recovery. The instability is blatantly ignored.
You screamed that the Clinton Foundation was fraudulent, but were silent when Trump and his entire family were barred-for-life from running one, due to theft. The Clinton Foundation maintains an A+ rating, while Trump is forced to repay the kids with cancer and the veterans they ripped off.
Law and Order
You fear Sharia Law, but welcome Christian control.
Antifa is a violent organization, yet the Neo-Nazis are the ones who have killed. But they’re “Fine People!”
When black people blocked the highways to protest systemic abuse and racism, you passed a law that entitled you to run them over. When white protestors blocked roads, businesses, and the state house so they could go to the mall, you claimed “patriotism!”
When sports fans destroy their city in celebration or grief, you cite their passion. When black protestors do it, you call them animals.

You fight for our Second Amendment, while cheering the death of the First.
“An investigation needs to be conducted because Hunter Biden received special treatment and made a million dollars!” Yet Ivanka and Jared made a minimum of 84 million in a year and that’s just good business.
Blue Lives only mattered when people said Black lives did. Now you say all lives matter, except when you think they deserved to die.
When all of this is over, and we begin to heal
the thing that will last, is your credibility is now nil.
When your outrage and morals ebb and flow
with whom is the victim and who is in control
that is not integrity or strength
that is hypocrisy at its greatest lengths.
How much longer will this list grow? Feel free to add to the list in the comments.